New Search : Result for Part Number: Ret Bar Cycle-AZ : Item Detail
Ret Bar Cycle Mfg Co of Peoria, AZ
Item# Ret Bar Cycle-AZ [Ret Bar Cycle-AZ]
Categories: Who's Who-Mfgr's of Bicycles, Tricycles and/or Wheel Goods & Employees,
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Ret Bar Cycle Mfg Co of Peoria, AZ manufactured adult tricycles and conversion kits for adultrikes. This is a full page advert in the April 1972 issue of the American Bicyclist magazine. I recall that a kind soft spoken gent named Bob (I think his name was Bob) was the president of the company. WCCSC (my family company) was one of the distributors for the Conversion Kit that converted any 20, 24 or 26 inch bicycle into an adultrike with one, two or three speed hubs.

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